2013年10月11日 星期五

梅國強大律師包攬訴訟案 控方要求加刑 (Barrister Louie Mui's Case - Prosecution Wants to Increase His Sentence)

執業近廿載的大律師梅國強 (Counsel Louie Mui),在5宗民事索償案私下跟客人協議,勝訴後瓜分客人所得合共過百萬賠償金,經審訊後被判「包攬訴訟」罪成,已被判囚3年半。梅昨日在高等法院提上訴,即時給上訴庭法官駁回,控方反指梅刑期過輕要求增加刑期,上訴庭押後書面裁決是否加刑。上訴庭審理這宗包攬訴訟上訴案時,表示關注到該 5宗民事訴訟中,所屬事務律師行的參與程度。

上訴人梅國強 (Barrister Louie Mui)(52歲)被指於1999年至2008年的9年內,跟5名民事案原訴人秘密協議,勝訴後收取賠償得益的兩成半至3成作為佣金,不成功則不收費。司徒敬昨指考慮到梅的上訴毫無理據,根本沒有爭辯餘地,判令他賠償律政司今次應訊所花的訟費。

案件編號:CACC 133/2013 (主審:司徒敬上訴庭副庭長,賴磐德、麥機智法官)

(Source: http://www.hkdailynews.com.hk/news.php?id=301490)


大律師梅國強求減刑 反臨加監







(Source: http://news.sina.com.hk/news/20131009/-2-3085742/1.html)


涉庭上講大話 兩警休假受查






(Source: http://www2.news.sina.com.hk/news/20131011/-2-3087774/1.html)

2013年9月30日 星期一

大律師黃桂生被控使用假文書等共9項罪名 - Barrister Raymond Wong Accused of Presenting a Forged Will

已故甘草演員兼書法家區樹湛,疑遭其女徒弟任職大律師的弟弟 (黃桂生大律師) 利用假遺囑承辦遺產,並提走存款。  黃桂生大律師否認行使假遺囑,案件昨開審,他辯稱當日見證區簽署遺囑,但事後真遺囑遭人調包,指假遺囑上區及他的簽名均遭人偽冒。







(Source: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/news/art/20131001/18445158)

South China Morning Post, Saturday, 22 September, 2012

Barrister Raymond K S Wong (黃桂生大律師) allegedly used a forged will to claim the estate of a late Cantonese film actor and stole funds from his bank account, Eastern Court heard yesterday.

Raymond Wong Kwai-sang, 45, was charged with using a false instrument, using a copy of a false instrument and theft. He did not enter any pleas.

Counsel Raymond K S Wong, a barrister since 1996, is accused of presenting a forged will of Au Shu-cham at the Probate Registry on October 13, 2009. He also allegedly showed a copy of the will at Western District police station on November 25 that year to induce a constable into accepting it as genuine.

Au was an actor who took part in Cantonese films between the 1970s and 1980s. It is believed he died in 2009, aged 75.

The prosecution said Wong knew or believed that the documents were bogus.

Lawyer Raymond K S Wong also allegedly stole HK$15,400 from a Standard Chartered Bank account jointly owned by Au and Cheung Wai-ming between January and March 2010, court papers show. Cheung was understood to be Au's sworn son.

Magistrate Bina Chainrai adjourned the case to November 11 for further police inquiries.

The court heard that police seized a computer from Wong's flat in Sheung Shui and found specimens of Au's signature from his chambers in Central. The prosecution will engage handwriting experts to examine the signatures.

Barrister Raymond Wong was released on HK$50,000 bail. He was ordered to surrender his travel documents and not to leave the city. He must report to Sha Tin police station twice a week.

According to the website of the Bar Association, Counsel Raymond Wong became a barrister in Hong Kong and Britain in 1996. He handles both civil and criminal cases, specialising in company and commercial law.

A conviction for using a false instrument warrants up to 14 years in jail, while the maximum term for theft is 10 years.

It is understood that Wong's sister had lived with Au. She had been Au's calligraphy student since the 1980s.

(Source: http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/article/1042588/hong-kong-barrister-accused-using-bogus-will-claim-late-actors-estate)

劉世祿大律師襲擊罪成 (Barrister Lau Sai Luk Convicted of Assault)

Counsel S K Lau (Lau Sai Luk) Convicted of Assault - 大狀劉世祿襲擊罪成


被告劉世祿 (Lawyer S K Lau, Lau Sai Luk)(57歲)被指曾多次向尖沙嘴K11商場內的MARKET PLACE超級市場作出投訴,而投訴由姓黃經理處理。






(Source: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/news/art/20131001/18445162)

任懿君法官 (Yam J) 被 Sears J 猛烈批評 (Heavily Criticized) - The Degree of Unfairness was Substantial

Dato Tan Leong Min v The Insider Dealing Tribunal  [1998] HKCFI 29; [1998] 1 HKLRD 630; HCAL49/1997 (1 April 1998): -

7. In these two applications, serious and numerous allegations have been made against the Chairman of the Tribunal, Mr Justice Yam, and counsel for the enquiry, Mr Peter Davies. Their conduct, it is said, has broken elementary rules of fairness not only to those implicated but also to the public. Large portions of the inquiry have been held in secret. In other words, nobody knew about them and they were never disclosed. Their existence has only been known for a few months. It is submitted that the Chairman has disregarded the important principle of open justice and has provided a result so flawed that it should be quashed...

9. My general conclusions are as follows...
... From the conclusion of the public hearings in August 1996, the Tribunal received evidence which was never disclosed to the parties and he secretly evaluated the evidence with counsel until the end of the year.
... When the Tribunal began to write the report, it secretly received comments from counsel and evidence from some parties. 
... The Tribunal in effect conducted an inquiry which breached the basic rules of fairness and openness and although the Chairman was warned about his unusual procedures, he nevertheless continued with them.
The procedural irregularities are so numerous that I do not consider it necessary to identify them all. The degree of unfairness was substantial. The worse aspect to this sorry saga was that what should have been a public inquiry became instead a private and secret hearing between the Tribunal and its counsel...

... a reading of the minutes demonstrates to my mind that Mr Peter Davies was being very conservative with the truth...
(R.A.W. Sears)
Judge of the Court of First Instance
High Court
(Source: http://www.hklii.hk/cgi-bin/sinodisp/eng/hk/cases/hkcfi/1998/29.html?stem=&synonyms=&query=Dato%20Tan%20Leong%20Min)

2013年9月25日 星期三

Judge Doreen Le Pichon “Plainly Wrong” (郭美超法官明顯地是錯的)

Judge Doreen Le Pichon “Plainly Wrong” (郭美超法官明顯地是錯的)

Source: http://joycekwan20130602.blogspot.hk/2013/08/judge-doreen-le-pichon-plainly-wrong.html


Judge Doreen Le Pichon said to be “plainly wrong” in BORN CHIEF CO t/a BEIJING RESTAURANT v. TSAI, GEORGE AND ANOTHER; Reported in: [1996] 2 HKLRD 188


Coram: Nazareth, V.-P., Liu and Ching, JJ.A. in Court
Date of Hearing: 12 March 1996
Date of Judgment: 10 April 1996

Nazareth VP: -

The judge (Doreen Le Pichon) was plainly wrong in directing an inquiry to be made by a Master as to damages, and that order cannot be permitted to stand.

(G P Nazareth) (B Liu) (Charles Ching)
Vice President Justice of Appeal Justice of Appeal

黃志偉大律師被終審庭狠批「無能」- CFA Said Barrister Philip Wong (Wong Chi Wai) Was Incompetent

CFA Said Barrister Philip Wong (Wong Chi Wai) Was Incompetent - 黃志偉大律師被終審庭狠批「無能」

See: http://legalref.judiciary.gov.hk/lrs/common/ju/ju_frame.jsp?DIS=89271&currpage=T

HKSAR v Wong Chi Wai (FACC No. 10 of 2012, September 23, 2013)

121.  There can be no doubt that Barrister Philip Wong's level of competence as a lawyer was low.  In particular, he had a poor grasp of LPP as a legal doctrine.[127] In cross-examination, Mr Wong stated that he could see no difference between confidentiality and LPP and thought that a court could override them both:
“Q: No, this is confidentiality not LPP?
A: Well I see no difference.
Q: No, LPP is different, isn’t it, because LPP the court cannot order that the matters be disclosed if they are coved by privilege, confidentiality the court can, that’s the difference, isn’t it?
A: Well I don’t think so, I don’t think so.”
Q: .... there are two things there, confidentiality and privilege, they’re different?
A:   Yes, yes different but the effect of a court order is the same.  The court, the order can override the privilege as well as the confidentiality, that’s my understanding.”[128]
122.  Mr Clive Grossman SC, called as a character witness for Mr Wong described him as “a man of integrity who worked hard for his client, but ... not of the highest intellect.”[129] Another character witness, Mr Philip Dykes SC said he was “a man of integrity whose style was enthusiastic and combative” adding that “he had spoken to [Mr Wong] on occasion and advised [him] to moderate [his] approach”.[130]

123.  Stock VP pointed out that:
“One has in a case such as this to take the greatest care to distinguish between misguided professional enthusiasm or even incompetence, on the one hand and, on the other, dishonesty.”[131]
124.  His Lordship continued:
“...although it is clear enough that Wong wished, if possible, to avoid a contested argument in court on the issue of privilege, and although I have not had the advantage, as did the trial judge of hearing the evidence, I still retain some doubt if the suggestion be that Wong had no belief at all in the point. That doubt arises from the evidence of Wong’s aggressive tenacity on behalf of his clients and of the evidence which suggests that he is a facts advocate, not much at ease with arguments of law.”[132]
125.  The opinion of Mr Dykes SC that Mr Wong was “a competent lawyer, well able to look up the law”[133] does not appear to be borne out by the evidence.  Mr Wong does not appear to have done more than look at Blackstone and, when asked by the Judge to produce authority overnight, only managed to re-cycle the case which had been mentioned, with reservations, by Mr Ngai in an earlier note. 
126.  The picture that emerges is therefore of a barrister of low competence with a poor understanding of the relevant concepts; doing no effective research; “thrilled” to have discovered the bill of costs, which was regarded as a justification for pursuing the LPP argument; coupled with an aggressive tenacity reflected in the three letters sent to Ms Mak – an unedifying vision, but distinctly more plausible, in my view, than the prosecution’s theory of a barrister well aware of the law but cynically using LPP as a pretext for what in truth was what the Judge had called “a threat simpliciter” aimed at deflecting Ms Mak from her duty.